Thursday, February 14, 2008

Be my Valentine

No Valentines for me today, so I bought myself half a pound of freshly ground coffe and a box of truffles. The coffee was wonderful, and surprisingly I didn't feel an urge to open the box of truffles, so I'll keep that for another day. I'm not feeling sorry for myself anyway, and truffles are best when shared. Well, actually I won't go on about them, or I'll find myself opening the box any minute now...
I had a great afternoon at the quilt shop in the company of some of my friends - quilters are great, something which I have a daily reminder of in this quilt (above). It is a memento from celebrating my 40th a few (very few...) years ago, when all my friends appliquéd hearts for me which I later put together to create this quilt. Would you believe that all the hearts are from the same fabric?
Keeping withing the theme of All Hearts' Day I'll also share this little quilt, a "Mended Hearts" experiment from some years back:

It is made from appliqué blocks that were stacked two and two, cut in half, and stitched back together with their opposites - if that makes any sense... I gave it away as soon as it was finished, and I haven't got any close-ups, so you probably can't see the decorative seams I used to stitch them back together, but it was a great way to use those fancy seams on my machine.
I have Van Morrison singing in the background, and a nice cup of coffee by my side, and now I'll spend some time visiting with my blog friends around the world before I spend some quality time with said sewing machine. Bliss! Happy Valentine's day to you and yours!

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